Monday, December 17, 2007

Still Feeling My Way

You know, this blogging this seems so cool. A chance to share thoughts and ideas. A chance for people to interact on different topics. What a neat opportunity.

Now if I only had time ...

In recent weeks, I have started following a variety of blogs that are done by pastors and laypeople alike. While these have been interesting to read, they also have made me feel a bit guilty. Some of these guys are blogging every day, in some cases several times a day. I just don't know if I have the mental energy or the time to do that! However, I do want to take advantage of this opportunity to share ideas and opinions and engage people on a variety of subjects. One of my goals for the new year is to begin to expand this blog and make it a more frequent and (hopefully) more engaging site for people to check out. In the meantime, if you are reading this, please remain patient!

Monday, December 10, 2007

1 1/2 Hour Friendships

I attended a seminar on Thursday dealing with spirituality and mental health. One of the interesting observations that the person leading the seminar made is that many churches that say they care for those who are disabled or dealing with mental illness are really caring for them only in the hour and a half that they are at church on Sundays. "The church must do more than provide 1 1/2 hour friendships."

I have been thinking about that ever since I left the seminar. Acts talks about how the early church shared all things in common. That is really about more than just sharing finances and possessions. That is a relationship that cares for people beyond just when they are gathered for worship. Of course, that kind of relationship gets messy because then you have people "all up in your business." At the same time, if those people are true Christian brothers and sisters, they are not being nosy or bossy, but they are pillars of encouragement and support and prayer.

How does a church move beyond being about the 1 1/2 hour friendship?

Monday, December 3, 2007

Online Advent Devotional

Once again, there is a very good online Advent devotional guide to help you keep Christ at the center of your Christmas holiday. "Following the Star" focuses in on the themes of Hope, Peace, Love, Joy, and Christmastide. The devotions went online yesterday and will take you all the way through January 6. Several folks have used these devotions in the last few years and found great meaning in them. You can find the devotions at Hope you enjoy!